Monday, August 20, 2007

What will archaeologists uncover about our society in 5000 years?

Asked by Dan Ogden


An Interesting question... Even if we were to record, with the Natural calamities due to Global warming, the never ending wars and terrorism that exist today, probably God alone knows what will be left behind in future! As I view it personally, if there are any ways and means for the future generation not to get exposed to the negativity that is existing all around, and if there was a way of instilling positive energies into them, to make them more constructive and productive for good, it would be better! It is a fact that good and bad co-exist and it is also required to understand and learn from experiences and to be able to sustain goodness. But even though technology has advanced, and so is all other fields, people have awareness, are educated and literate, it seems strange that we are not being able to use the intellect to preserve the goodness and avoid doing wrong things. Simplicity, Truth, Integrity, Compassion, Trust are all wading away from relationships. If there is a some means to stop all these and show the future generation a positive world, that in itself I feel will be a great achievement for our society. I may have digressed from the core topic, but when I think of records that go into the history as past events, we seem to have more on the negative side than positive! Was just thinking will we want a generation to know how we have not been able to preserve a good, healthy and positive environment for them?


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