Monday, August 13, 2007

How do you deal with type-A personalities?

Asked by Dr. Earl R. Smith II

Earl, This is a very interesting question.

To my understanding Type A personalities are people who display traits of Time Urgency and Impatience arising from High Competitiveness & Strong Achievement Orientation. In my experience, after understanding a Type A or Type B, it is also possible (with practice of course) to leverage the key strengths in oneself to be able to adapt oneself in to these personalities as the situation demands.

To answer your queries,

(a) When you encounter this type, how do you deal with them?

I would provide these personalities with complex jobs, which needs a lot of intellectual perspective. These people are good at multi-tasking, can turn out tasks very easily. The core aspect here is that these personalities to me appear as single performers, since teaming would require patience to cope with others speed and thoughts. Providing activities that one person can do is ideal for these personalities.

b) Have you found your relationships with type-A’s mutually beneficial or one sided?

Sometimes yes and sometimes No. As I mentioned earlier, if this is a single Specialist task the relationship is wonderful and beneficial. Where a team has to work together in a synchronized manner, one definitely needs to re-look at having these personalities since the impatience will take and upper hand creating dissatisfaction and disharmony among members.

c) Do you consider yourself a type-A? What are the positive and negative sides of type-A personalities?

If I have to do a strategy all by myself, I am certainly a Type A, since I can work fast, multi-task and also drive myself to a success, with all constraints. The strength in facing obstacles is a positive point in Type A, where as easily getting frustrated is also another aspect. But I find it easy to motivate myself quickly and get back to track. For example, if I need to present a strategy or a framework or to plan and impart a training, I would focus on my Type A personality. When I need to work in a team, I consciously place my expectations and skills a little low to be able to synchronize with the team, and to take the team along. This I have practices myself well since my work mainly involves a team. I understand and believe that each person is not at the same wave length and one needs to appreciate the unique skills of every person. This understanding helps in bringing a balance to one's perspective and interactions.

Positives of Type A: Very quick and agile, Focused, quick response time, Multi tasking, Drive to succeed, Turn around quickly from de-motivation, Passionate towards doing things, Strength to face Challenges.

Improvement aspects of Type A: Impatience - Need to do things quickly, Time Urgency - "why can't people do things fast" - attitude, Aggressiveness, Short Tempered, Tensed.


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