Monday, August 13, 2007

What characteristics do you look for in a mentor?

Asked by Dr. Earl R. Smith II

A mentor is a person who can help grow another colleue or team member professionally. Therefore, a mentor needs to have good knowledge, wide experience, good analytical skills, observation, networking and patience. Understanding the requirements of the mentee, researching to know wider perspective of aspects, thinking out of the box, innovativeness, creativity, and ability to show different paths and enabling the mentee to choose the right one themselves are critical aspects that should be there in a Mentor.

Patience and Perseverance are also critical to a Mentor, since one of the key aspects that to be realized is that every person is unique and their wave length to understand, learn, and imbibe are different. Mentors should look for the "urge to learn" attitude in their mentees.

It is very important to strike a comfort level with the mentees in the first few interactions to be able to take on the relationship better. It is not always true that a mentor may have answers to all queries. But a mentor should definitely be able to collate information and seek information through his good network members. Last but not the least, trust is the critical factor that needs to be there between Mentor and a Mentee.

Without trust, it is difficult to see different perspectives, deliberate and gain feedbacks, and learn and grow in the roles.


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