Monday, August 13, 2007

What Books About Business Are You Reading?

Asked by Steve Guine

Hi Steve: Interesting question.

I would love to share some of the books I read recently and I am hoping to get a few more names from the answers....
  1. Iceberg Is Melting: a wonderful book on Change Management, which embodies powerful message in simple language to a broad audience. the coverage of this book from every step towards success in a changing world, looking for substantial issues, aligning with a potent champion, drawing the course of action, getting the buy-in from all, and dealing with those who resist to change.....this book is a real eye opener to today's changing scenario in business.
  2. The Ice Cream Maker, an inspiring story about making Quality the key ingredient in everything we do.
  3. Ping - a frog in search of a new pond - a parable on change, overcoming obstacles, and making a leap of faith.
  4. Who Stole my Cheese - a Parody I enjoyed reading these and thought of sharing with you..



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